For a change from hiking, Mark & I occasionally like to go for a bike ride together. The mountain bike trails that Mark tackles are a bit steep for me, so a ride along Jordan River Parkway is more my "pace". A section of the parkway near our house takes us from Willow Park to Thanksgiving Point and return (about 10 miles). In this pic Mark is riding alongside Thanksgiving Point Golf Course. The brownish mountain behind him on the left of the pic is Traverse Ridge where our house is.
The Jordan River is a fresh water stream that runs north from Utah Lake in Utah Valley, through Salt Lake Valley and into the Great Salt Lake. It attracts a lot of birdlife in this otherwise dry region. The Jordan River Parkway is a walking/biking trail that runs alongside the river for much of its length. (It's hoped eventually to have one continuous trail along the 50 miles of the river).
Hopefully the bike riding and hiking will help to keep my legs fit for the next ski season!
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