I love our neighborhood! Everyone is so friendly and there is a great community spirit. For 4th July one of our neighbors organised a lunch-time BBQ and fun activities at our little neighborhood park. We started off with a 4th July street parade which involved the children (and parents) decorating their bikes, strollers, carts etc in patriotic colours and doing a lap around the neighborhood. There were some pretty ingenious decorations and the kids were so excited to be part of a procession. We then gathered at the park for fun & games like bean bag toss, water balloon throwing, face painting and 3-legged races. I don't know who had the most fun - the kids or the adults! I have to say that Christine and Melissa were outstanding at the 3-legged race (although I think they had been practicing on the sly ;-) I found it pretty hard to run and laugh at the same time. With everyone pitching in to provide shade cover, chairs, tables, gas BBQ's, entertainment and food it was a resounding success. Thanks especially to Jennifer for her hard work organising us all! In the evening Mark & I headed to Thanksgiving Point for Lehi city's fireworks display which ran for a full 30 minutes. What a wonderful end to wonderful day.
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