There weren't many other people around but we did see a couple of fly fisherman trying their luck at the northern end of the lake.

2. Scoop the seeds and soft flesh (the "brains") out.
3. After tracing a "face" on the skin, carve the pieces out.
Voila! One goofy looking Jack-o-Latern
4. Place pumkin outside in the Halloween display.
Scientists believe that about 150 millons years ago the area was a river basin frequented by dinosaurs. Dinosaurs that died near the river or were caught in floods were swept downstream, caught on sandbars and were covered by subsequent layers of sand and mud, that compressed to form sedimentary rock and sandstone. About 65 million years ago those layers were gradually uplifted and slowly eroded to reveal the rock faces we can see today.
Today the area is again a part of a river basin. Here's a view from the dinosaur quarry down over the Green River Valley.
The sandstone rock faces in the park also contain numerous petroglyphs left by the Freemont indians approx 1000 years ago. In the pic above there's a elk-like creature just off my right shoulder and a basket or head-piece high above my head.
The Trail Ridge Road that crosses over the mountains through the park is normally only open from June to mid-October. Unfortunately an early October storm arrived the night before our visit bringing rain & sleet that froze to ice and closed the road. A ranger at the park visitor center suggested that since today was sunny and warm they might open the road again that afternoon if the ice on the road had melted. We had planned to do some sight-seeing and hiking in the park anyway so we chose a 6 mile hike to Mills Lake. The trail started at 9,475ft elevation climbing 750ft to Mills Lake. The following slide show covers this hike. The trail follows Glacier Creek up Glacier Gorge past Alberta Falls. The final pic is looking south across Mills Lake towards Longs Peak (the highest mountain in the park at 14,259ft). The small jagged spires trailing back from Longs Peak (on the left) are called the Keyboard of the Winds, named for the musical sound the wind sometimes makes as it blows across the rock spires.
After returning from Glacier Gorge, we picked up some food from the car and then took another short hike to Bear Lake to eat. This is the view we enjoyed while eating our picnic lunch.
There had been no sign of bad weather all morning, so after lunch we set off on the drive across the mountains. Eventually the road climbs above the treeline. We stopped at Forest Canyon Overlook (11,700 ft)...
... taking in the view south east down Forest Canyon across the park towards Longs Peak.
At the western entrance of the park, a series of 3 lakes - Grand Lake, Shadow Mountain Lake & Lake Granby have been created on the upper reaches of the Colorado River.
I love the light in this picture with the late afternon sun on the lake and the stormy looking clouds hovering over the Rocky Mountains that we have just crossed. Shadow Mountain Lake seems well-named!
Although he follows the college football every weekend, Mark hasn't been to a "live" UT game in nearly 20 years. There are 119 teams in Division 1A of college football in the US, so teams don't get to play every other team. This Texas game being played in Colorado is the closest geographically to where we live and was the main "inspiration" for our Colorado trip. We had great seats in Row 19 on the 40 yard line. We arrived at the game early, in time to see the teams on the field for their "warm ups".
Even the "big men" know how to stretch. Texas quarterback Colt McCoy is in the center of this pic wearing #12. At 6ft 3" and 205lbs he's one of the "smaller" guys on the team!
After the warm-ups, the players left the field and the Colorado marching band entertained us for about 15 minutes before playing the national anthem.
Next it was time for the Colorado Buffaloes mascot "Ralphie" to take a spin around the field. Despite her name, Ralphie is actually a female (because female buffaloes are smaller and less agressive). Ralphie does a lap of the field before each half at Colorado home games. She runs around the field at speeds up to 25 mph (40km/h) and it's amazing watching her 5 student-athlete handlers trying to keep up! The Texas Longhorns have a longhorn steer called Bevo as their mascot, but I have to say that Ralphie might top Bevo as the coolest team mascot.
The stands were now full (53,927 spectators) and with all the hoopla over, the teams finally took the field. Boy football teams here have a lot of players!
Colorado were the first to receive. This is the first play. I know there's a football in there somewhere!
Here's a couple of happy fans at the end of the game. The final score? Texas won 38-14. Texas is currently ranked #5 in the nation. Next week they play Oklahoma the #1 ranked team. Should be an exciting game. HOOK'EM HORNS!
We also took a walk around one of the older suburbs adjoining downtown. We loved the peacefulness of the old houses and the tree lined streets that were just blocks from "the action" on Pearl Street.
We headed back to Pearl Street for lunch and enjoyed a local brew and tasty meal at BJ's on the mall, sitting at a sidewalk table listening to some street musicians and people watching. Here's a shot of me "playing" in the bubblejet fountain in front of the Boulder Court House (also on Pearl St).